March 21, 2014


A portrait type photo of Jen
For an amazing wife, mother, and woman; Jen Newville
I’ve tried expressing my concerns, but you don’t ever learn.

That name calling shit really is for the birds.

I see you’re confused by what you heard.

How could you disrespect your own daughter?

You’re the worst; sorry excuse for a father.

Your own daughter doesn’t trust you, so you took it even farther.

She is proud of herself, and now you’re looking at the product.

Father is a title that you just haven’t earned.

So, forgive me for not caring about your feelings that I hurt.

There’s a name for people like you; call them lurks.

You are just another shameless jerk with no ambition to work.

You’re an alcoholic mess, and you made me go berserk.

Now, try to make another excuse for your hideous behavior.

Call your daughter a few more names, like you made her.

She’s a beautiful woman, and my life’s true savior.

She’s completely self-made, unlike the two failures that created her.

Now, she’s surrounded by love. Not the family that only hated her.

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