February 25, 2012

No Biting!

Children's book written by Travis Newville. Part of the "Puppy Kids" series.

             Logan was an amazing little boy. He loved to play like puppies do. All of his favorite shows had puppies in them. Logan wanted to be a puppy very, very badly. Puppies were his favorite animal. Logan loved everything about puppies.
             Logan liked cats okay. Nothing that cats did interested Logan very much, though. Sometimes cats were grumpy, and they didn’t really cuddle that much. Cats made Logan sneeze a whole bunch, too. Logan’s grandma had a cat that slept all of the time. They just weren’t as cool to Logan as puppies were.
            Logan thought puppies were so awesome. He also thought puppies were the cutest animal ever. They could do tricks; play fetch, high five, and roll over. Puppies could run very, very fast. Logan loved the way puppies gave him kisses. Everything that puppies did made Logan smile.
            Logan thought it would be fun to act just like puppies do. He barked at his parents. Logan howled at the moon. He crawled around on all fours; just like puppies do. It was so much fun being a puppy. Logan thought he might be a puppy every day.
            Logan got a little out of control one day when he was pretending to be a puppy. He bit his little brother’s finger. Logan thought that was what a puppy would do. Boy, was Logan wrong! Logan’s little brother started to scream, and he was crying very loudly.
            Logan didn’t mean to hurt his little brother. He just wanted to play like a puppy. Something was terribly wrong with Logan’s little brother. Little brother just could not stop crying. Logan’s heart sunk down to his stomach.
            “I’m sorry, little brother!” cried Logan. He felt very bad for hurting his little brother. He loved his little brother a whole bunch. They were best friends. Still, little brother just kept crying and screaming.
            Mommy came in, and hugged little brother tight. She scolded Logan. Mommy said, “How dare you bite your little brother, Logan!” It made Logan feel even worse that his mom was so upset.
 Mommy grounded Logan to his bedroom for the rest of the night. Logan tried to apologize, but little brother just kept on crying. Mommy didn’t really want to hear his apologies, either. Logan felt terrible.
Daddy came in Logan’s room that night, but only to tell Logan he was very upset with him for biting his little brother. Even Daddy was upset with him. Logan felt very alone when he was grounded to his bedroom.
That night was so awful for Logan. He could hear everyone else laughing and playing. If only Logan would have thought more about what would happen, before his little brother had gotten hurt. Logan was so sad that he just sat in his room crying.
Being a puppy sure was tough. Logan just couldn’t understand what had happened. Why can he bark, but not bite? He didn’t understand. Logan did understand that it was lonely being grounded. Logan vowed never to be a puppy again.
The next day, Logan woke up to his little brother playing with his toys. He just smiled at Logan. He wasn’t mad at his big brother, at all. “Little brother, I’m so sorry!” Logan apologized. Logan hugged his little brother.
Mommy came in when she heard them playing. She asked, “Did you learn your lesson, Logan?” He nodded his head yes. Logan sure did learn his lesson. It was not fun to hurt his little brother.
“Oh yes, Mommy. I’m never going to be a puppy ever again!” he cried. Logan meant it, too. It was terrible for him to see his little brother so upset. Logan never wanted to see his little brother cry like that ever again.
“Logan, you didn’t get grounded for acting like a puppy. You got in trouble, because you bit your little brother and hurt him very badly!” Mommy explained. “Look. You gave your little brother quite a bad bruise.”
Mommy was right. It was a terrible bruise, on little brother’s arm. It looked just like a circle of Logan’s teeth. He didn’t know that biting his little brother would hurt him. Now, Logan understood what had happened.
Logan gave his little brother the bruise by biting him. It wasn’t because he was being a puppy. “I’m so sorry,” Logan told his little brother while he gave him a big hug. “I won’t ever bite you ever again. I promise,” Logan said.
The two boys, or puppies, were together ever since. The two had the most fun whenever they pretended to be puppies. Logan taught his little brother how to be the best puppy he could be. Logan and his little brother played many more little puppy games.

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