March 9, 2012

Naughty Puppies Get Hurt

            Sam was a beautiful girl. Playing was pretty much all she ever did. Sam’s best friend was her puppy, Rocko. They had so much fun when they played together. Sam’s favorite game to play with Rocko was hide-and-seek. Rocko always seemed to sniff Sam out.
            Sam was definitely a daddy’s girl. She loved her daddy a whole bunch. They had so much fun laughing, singing, and wrestling together. Daddy always took Sam to the movies. They even went fishing together a lot.
            Sam and her mommy had a whole bunch of fun, too. Sam’s mommy always did girly things with her. They did their hair and nails together all of the time. Mommy took Sam shopping to pick out her own clothes. That was Sam’s favorite. Sam wanted to be just like her mommy.
            Sam and Rocko played together the most, though. Sam would follow Rocko around all day. She loved her puppy just as much as she loved her parents. Sam loved having a puppy for her best friend. They did everything together.
When Sam would get lonely, she would pretend to be a puppy. She had so much fun being a puppy. She could bark, crawl around on all fours, and play fetch. She was a regular pooch. Sam even tried eating some of Rocko’s puppy snacks a few times. They didn’t taste very good.
Sometimes, Sam’s parents didn’t like her acting like a puppy. Daddy was always saying, “You don’t listen very good when you act like a puppy, Sam.” Daddy was probably right, but Sam’s favorite games to play were puppy games.
What was the big deal? Sure, Daddy wanted Sam to bark a little quieter. It was hard for Sam to play like a puppy and be quiet. Especially when she was busy howling at the moon. It was also hard to be a quiet puppy when Sam was barking at Rocko. Sam was probably a little too loud, sometimes.
Daddy didn’t like it when Sam would chew on his slippers, either. He would always yell, “That’s yucky, Sam!” At least Sam’s dad didn’t chase her around with his slipper when he caught her slobbering on it, like he did Rocko. Sam puppy was always getting in trouble.
Mommy was always telling Sam not to jump around when she was a puppy. Well, jumping was just something puppies had to do. Rocko got treats for jumping up and down. Mommy said, “Sam, you need to sit on your butt on the couch, or you might fall.” Puppies don’t sit on their butt, though.
Sam was being a puppy one day, and she accidentally fell off of her bed. “Ouchie!” cried Sam. “Mommy I think I hurt my arm.” It hurt Sam so badly. Mommy came running to help Sam, but she wasn’t very happy. Mommy looked quite mad.
“I told you not to jump around like a puppy, Sam. We don’t like it when you act like a puppy,” scolded Mommy. “I just knew you were going to get hurt one of these days.” Mommy was very upset. When Sam’s mom was upset, Sam was upset. They were both crying.
Sam and her mommy got in the car and drove to the hospital. Sam was very scared, and her arm was hurting a lot. Sam overheard her mom call her dad, and she told him that Sam may have broken her arm. Sam started sobbing in the back seat. She felt awful for not listening to her mom and dad.
Mommy looked back and said, “What’s the matter sweetheart?” It wasn’t her hurt arm that had Sam so upset. It was that she had let her parents down. Sam knew that acting like a puppy wasn’t a good game, after all.
“Mommy, will I ever be able to use my arm again?” Sam asked. She was scared that her arm would be broken forever. Sam couldn’t be a puppy anymore if she only had one arm left. Sam had never been so upset, and she could not stop crying.
“Honey, your arm will be just fine. It may not even be broke. We just have to go to the doctor’s office to see if it is,” Sam’s mommy said softly. She always made Sam feel better. Just hearing her mom tell her everything was going to be fine brought a smile to Sam’s face.
“Will I still be able to pretend like I’m a puppy?” Sam asked. “It would be terrible if I couldn’t play with Rocko.” The genuine worry in Sam’s eyes made her mother chuckle.
“Of course, you can still play like a puppy. But, you need to listen to Mommy and Daddy when we tell you to be careful. Puppies that don’t listen get hurt,” said Sam’s mom. That was such a relief for Sam to hear that she could still play with her best friend, Rocko.
Sam and her mom went to the doctor’s office. They put a bright pink cast on Sam’s arm. It was pretty, but Sam still wish she had never broke her arm. It hurt so much. Being a puppy was fun, but only as long as she listened to her mom and dad. Getting hurt isn’t worth being a naughty puppy.


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