March 26, 2014

Third World

Bearded man

This isn’t some typical poetry for your children.

This is some advice for some 6.5 billion.

This is for the masses that need some positive feelings.

For all the people who can’t stand Uncle Sam’s dealings.

These politicians only got my people reeling.

Back on our heels, and inflated to the ceiling.

Only numbers that don’t go up is our hourly pay.

And yet we’re expected to make it day by day.

No one is listening to what the people have to say.

This is supposed to be democracy, you say?

This is the struggle. American third world country.

Forgive me for not feeling that the life I live is lovely.

How can I, when my family is constantly struggling?

Ain’t no way we can make it, my babies are going hungry.

All because Daddy doesn’t make enough money.

March 21, 2014


A portrait type photo of Jen
For an amazing wife, mother, and woman; Jen Newville
I’ve tried expressing my concerns, but you don’t ever learn.

That name calling shit really is for the birds.

I see you’re confused by what you heard.

How could you disrespect your own daughter?

You’re the worst; sorry excuse for a father.

Your own daughter doesn’t trust you, so you took it even farther.

She is proud of herself, and now you’re looking at the product.

Father is a title that you just haven’t earned.

So, forgive me for not caring about your feelings that I hurt.

There’s a name for people like you; call them lurks.

You are just another shameless jerk with no ambition to work.

You’re an alcoholic mess, and you made me go berserk.

Now, try to make another excuse for your hideous behavior.

Call your daughter a few more names, like you made her.

She’s a beautiful woman, and my life’s true savior.

She’s completely self-made, unlike the two failures that created her.

Now, she’s surrounded by love. Not the family that only hated her.

March 11, 2014

Puppy Kids Are Too Loud!


An American Pitbull Terrier puppy

            Mallory loves playing with her puppy, Chico. They love to run and jump around while they play. They bark, hop, and chase their tails. Mallory and Chico play some pretty silly games together. It was like Chico understood Mallory better than anyone else did.
            Mallory has a baby sister, too. She doesn’t play with Mallory very often. Mallory’s baby sister was always so busy crying, and making Mommy change her diapers. Every time Mallory wanted to play with Mommy, or Daddy, they would be busy feeding her baby sister. So Mallory just played with Chico.

            The two were very close. Chico slept with Mallory every night, at the foot of her bed. In the morning, she let Chico outside to go potty. Chico listened to Mallory better than anyone. Everyone else yelled at Chico, too much. Even Mallory knew that just made him scared.

            After they both were done using the potty, Mallory made them both breakfast. Chico likes to eat a can of soft food in the morning. Mallory likes having cereal. Every day the two of them have the same routine. Mallory and Chico wouldn’t have it any other way.

            Mallory hardly ever gets in trouble, but when she does it’s usually because she and Chico were playing too loud. Sometimes, Daddy tells them they are being too loud. Daddy especially doesn’t like when Mallory, and Chico, are barking when he’s on the phone. He doesn’t like them barking when he has a headache, either.

            Mommy tells Mallory to quiet down, too. She always says, “There are people that live downstairs, Mallory. They don’t want to hear you two jumping around all day; believe me.” Mallory knew that people were under her, but she just forgot sometimes.

            One time, Mallory woke up her baby sister when she was barking like a puppy. Mallory’s daddy was very mad. He grounded Chico to the doghouse outside for a whole day. Mallory was lonely without Chico to play with. She didn’t see what the big deal was, anyway. All Mallory’s baby sister did was sleep.

            Mallory gets babysat by her grandma sometimes, too. Mallory’s grandma has two puppies, and a kitty. Even Mallory’s grandma has to tell them all to be quieter. Mallory thinks it’s funny to get both of her grandma’s dogs howling, but it just ends up hurting grandma’s head, too.

            Mallory knows she being loud, but that is what puppies do. After all, she had never really seen a puppy that didn’t bark. Even when they were just playing they were too loud for the neighbors downstairs. Mallory didn’t know how to be a quiet puppy.

            One night, Mallory had the strangest dream. Mallory dreamt that someone came and told her dad that Mallory was not being quiet enough. Her dad begged and pleaded, but the strangers ended up leaving with Chico! It felt so real to Mallory.

            When Mallory woke up, all she wanted to do was hug Chico. She was so relieved to see he was still there. What could she do without her best friend? Mallory missed him when she went to her grandma’s house. She would surely miss him if he got taken away.

            “Oh, Chico. I’m so happy you are still here, buddy. What would I do without you?” Mallory asked. She was so relieved to find him lying at the foot of her bed. Mallory told Chico she loved him, and Chico even smiled a puppy smile.