January 28, 2012

Dreamer (Flash-fiction)

A piece that I wrote, inspired by Chuck Wendig's blog, "Terrible Minds". Flash-fiction, 230 words.           


             Waking up in the morning is bullshit. The alarm blaring in my ear every goddamn day. It has to be causing some sort of long-term psychological damage. A mindless drone. Every time the clock flashes 5:30, my mind screams in agony. Why must you take me away from my dreams?
            The alarm is least of my worries. Every day is more boring than the last; just stare at the cubicle wall. No time for love. No love to be found. Shame and sorrow tremble on the fault line of agony. I don’t know how much longer I can last in the circumstance. Corporate is oblivious to my wants, and needs. My mind is consumed by shameless white screens.
            “Ahhhrrgghhh!” I release in a guttural roar. The walls are crashing down in an explosion of angst. Walls are the recipient; my rage the ballista. The oil change can wait, and fuck the cable company. Bloodying my hands on the wall just isn’t enough. Life has become a routine. I’m a bust.
            I never had a reason for the gun. Zombie apocalypse, perhaps. Haven’t hunted in years; thanks to my asshole dad. My family left me years ago. I guess the future is inevitable.  
            “Relax,” I say to myself out loud. Then I pulled the trigger, and my world crashed down. 
            I woke up at my desk to my phone ringing.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one. Keep up the good work, I know you will. love you! Jen
