January 4, 2014

Top 5 Safe Dog Foods

Weimereiner puppy with a bone in its mouth
Image courtesy of Gualberto107 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

There is a lot of controversy beginning to swirl around commercial dog food brands, and whether or not they are really safe for our four-legged friends. The last thing you want is to find out you’ve been poisoning your pet with foods that they cannot even digest. Some dog food companies, such as Purina, are known for displaying misleading information on their labels. That is why it is so important to feed your dogs food that is proven to be safe, and does not issue a false sense of safety. There are thousands of commercial dog food brands on the market, so it is very hard to know what foods are legitimately safe. Well, with careful research, I have created a list of five dog foods that will help keep our pets in peak condition.

  1. EVO -  EVO is quickly becoming the gold standard for pet foods. Their grain-free formula leads the way in nutrition, and will undoubtedly keep your pet healthy. EVO is widely regarded as the safest commercial pet food available.
  2. Diamond Naturals - Diamond pet foods have been a leading name in the pet food industry for over 40 years. With Diamond's 151 Checks, Diamond Naturals is a cost effective choice for owners that want to keep their pets healthy.
  3. Innova -Innova is another quality pet food company, and they are dedicated to bringing your pet the best in nutrition. The overall health of your pet is the top priority at Innova pet foods. 
  4. Blue Buffalo - Blue Buffalo is another pet food company that is dedicated to keeping pets healthy, and keeping their lives long. The "Longevity" line of dog foods from Blue Buffalo offers one of the highest quality foods for puppies.
  5. Nutro Ultra - Nutro is a brand of dog food that brings us a holistic option when caring for our pets. Made from only the purest of ingredients, Nutro Ultra is a brand that you can trust with your pet's health.

Never compromise the health of your pet by failing to choose a food that is safe for them. There are options available that will not put your pet's health at risk. If you can prevent your dogs from suffering from kidney failure, then you owe it to them to at least try. After all, our pets are part of our families. 

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