December 28, 2013

Ni No Kuni: A fantastic RPG experience

Ni No Kuni. Not an easy name to remember. But once you play the game, it is a name you will likely never forget. Stunning anime-like graphics really help to bring the characters to life. Ni No Kuni has a familiar catching system that is semi-reminiscent of a classic RPG fan favorite, Pokemon. The monster catching is where the similarities cease, because Ni No Kuni is a classic in its own right. RPG fans will forever be thankful for the in depth battle system, memorable storyline, and loveable characters and familiars. Ni No Kuni is a must play for any RPG lover.

A boy and his fairy friend conversing with a talking tree

Ni No Kuni is a great game for a child's first RPG experience, but also has a storyline capable of captivating adults. Overall, it is one of the best RPG's that I have had the pleasure of playing, and I look forward to playing more RPG's that are similar to Ni No Kuni. Have you played any good games lately? Let me know what you think about Ni No Kuni, and any other games you think we should all be playing. Feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions.

Young Oliver, and Mr, Drippy contemplating their next move

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