December 19, 2013

The American Pitbull Terrier

Breed specific legislation is taking the United States by storm. Many cities across the country are now starting to ban large breeds of dogs. No breed, however, is banned from more cities nationwide than the American Pitbull Terrier. Breeds of any animal should not be discriminated against. Breed specific legislation will only damage the future of all large dog breeds, but it could also lead to certain breeds becoming extinct. The American Pitbull Terrier is illegal in over 600 cities nationwide, and the most sickening part of it all is that most are proud of it. Pit bulls are not born mean dogs. Irresponsible owners, such as dog fighters, have preyed on pit bulls making them the object of hatred and fear.

A brindle colored American Pitbull Terrier smiling
Image courtesy of tiverylucky /

The American Pitbull Terrier is a majestic dog. They were first known simply as bulldogs. Then in 1897, they were renamed the American Pitbull Terrier when the United Kennel Club was formed. The truth is that the American Pitbull Terrier is a great family dog. They love children, and love to please their family. It is important that people begin to see the American Pitbull Terrier for what is is; an affectionate, fun-loving, and loyal family companion.

An American Pitbull Terrier puppy sleeping on its owner's lap
My personal American Pitbull Terrier, Jaxon.

Dogs cannot help what breed they get born into. Just like people cannot choose what race they are. Holding a breed to the responsibility of the actions of their owners is not going to solve anything. These breeds did not do anything wrong. The people that failed them did. This country has come a long way towards stopping discrimination, and banning individual breeds of dogs is a step in the wrong direction. Dogs are not bad animals, and what breed they are does not determine how bad a dog is. Its owner does. I would really hate to see an entire group of dogs be banned, because nobody opened their eyes to the real problem. Irresponsible dog owners should be the ones being held accountable for their own actions. The breed of the dog has nothing to do with the problem. People need to help to situation, and not by turning the other cheek on it. Even if you are not a pit bull owner, please, show some empathy for a struggling breed.

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